You can contact the artist by either telephoning the numbers below

07990 861669 or

If you are experiencing difficulty in attaching your photographs, here are a few tips on successfully adding attachments to an e-mail.

step 1:
If you are using a digital camera, save the images in their full size
(do not reduce them)

step 2:
Click on the above e-mail link (this will automatically open your mail browser
and add the pet portraits e-mail address.

step 3:
Type "portrait of <enter animals name>" in the subject box.

step 4:
Type your message in the usual way including your home and mobile telephone numbers.

step 5:
At the the top of your e-mail browser click on the attach option
(sometimes shown as a paperclip symbol) and select your photograph.

step 6:
Press "send" in the menu at the top of your e-mail browser window.

You will receive a "confirmation of delivery" e-mail within 24 hours